As we gear up for a new academic year, we would like to extend a warm welcome to both our returning families and those who are new to the school district.
New Staff
We are excited to welcome the following new staff members.
Mrs. Murray - 6th grade science teacher
Mr. Weinzierl - Head Band Director
Ms. McChesney - 8th grade English teacher
Mr. Low - 6th-8th PE teacher
Ms. Cauthon - 6th-8th PE teacher
Mrs. Justice - Nurse
First Day of School - Wednesday August 23rd
Our front door opens at 7:45am for walkers and car riders and bus riders will be dropped off in the back. Students will either go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or to the gym. Staff will be around and will hand out paper copies of each student's schedule. We will meet in the gym for a short assembly and dismiss students by their first hour class.
Car Rider - Drop Off
The morning is not as hectic as the afternoon but the safest way to drop off students is by driving south on Landrum. I have seen some close calls so please be careful.
Car Riders - Pick up
Car riders will be released out the front doors along Landrum Street. It is a busy and dangerous time for our students. Please pick up students with your vehicle going south on Landrum. Also, please do not wait in line on Cherry Street when picking up students. Our buses use that road after school and the intersection of Cherry and Landrum becomes hazardous for our students who are walking home and for vehicle accidents.
Cell Phones
Cell phones must remain in a student's locker during the school day. Students may check their phones during passing periods if time permits. With permission, students may be able to access their phones for certain circumstances.
Kevin Kultgen
Mt. Vernon Middle School
New Staff
We are excited to welcome the following new staff members.
Mrs. Murray - 6th grade science teacher
Mr. Weinzierl - Head Band Director
Ms. McChesney - 8th grade English teacher
Mr. Low - 6th-8th PE teacher
Ms. Cauthon - 6th-8th PE teacher
Mrs. Justice - Nurse
First Day of School - Wednesday August 23rd
Our front door opens at 7:45am for walkers and car riders and bus riders will be dropped off in the back. Students will either go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or to the gym. Staff will be around and will hand out paper copies of each student's schedule. We will meet in the gym for a short assembly and dismiss students by their first hour class.
Car Rider - Drop Off
The morning is not as hectic as the afternoon but the safest way to drop off students is by driving south on Landrum. I have seen some close calls so please be careful.
Car Riders - Pick up
Car riders will be released out the front doors along Landrum Street. It is a busy and dangerous time for our students. Please pick up students with your vehicle going south on Landrum. Also, please do not wait in line on Cherry Street when picking up students. Our buses use that road after school and the intersection of Cherry and Landrum becomes hazardous for our students who are walking home and for vehicle accidents.
Cell Phones
Cell phones must remain in a student's locker during the school day. Students may check their phones during passing periods if time permits. With permission, students may be able to access their phones for certain circumstances.
Kevin Kultgen
Mt. Vernon Middle School