Pre-Algebra Syllabus

Teacher: Sheila Hansen Tutoring Time: Every day 7:45am My email: [email protected]   


The best way to contact me is through email. As soon as you get a chance, please send me an email with your child’s name in the subject line and tell me a little about your child. This helps me get to know my students, their parents, and gives me a quick way to send you email. It will also give your child bonus points.

Goal of this course: This is the first advanced mathematics course that blends all 7th grade math goals with about half of the 8th pre-algebra grade goals. It is designed to teach all preliminary skills for Algebra I. The Missouri Learning Standards are our grade level goals. They are at . I can give you a copy if you request one. 

To qualify for Algebra I in eighth grade: Each year I recommend students to take 8th grade Algebra 1 who have demonstrated the following criteria:

  1. ALL quarter grades in Pre-Algebra are  A’s or B’s.
  2. 70% or better on each of two semester finals.
  3. Good homework habits. (complete course work, keep track of due dates, take notes, etc.)

The class will be taught with video notes, in class activities and practice that parallels the book, and textbook practice. Students will keep a detailed notebook for step by step instructions and examples.

Notes: All notes for this course are on video. You can access all videos on my YouTube channel. We will watch these videos during class each day, copying what is written in the notebook. Students CAN watch the video at home.

Homework: Homework is assigned every day except Friday. We check the assignments together, make corrections and the assignment is turned in. Graded work is turned in for recording purposes then kept in the student’s folder until it’s compiled in a portfolio at the end of the chapter. 

*I request that parents please do not help students with their homework. Parents can best help their child by providing a time and place to complete assignments, make sure they have adequate materials and encourage them to keep trying. If a child is struggling, encourage him/her to follow the notes taken during the video in class and/or watch the video again for help. If the student is struggling so much as to become frustrated or are spending hours on math, please have them stop, take a break and email me with the problem number and assignment. We can discuss that particular problem during class the next day. 

Assessment: Students will be assessed in three ways: tests, finals and portfolios

Test- Tests cannot be corrected or retaken. There is a vocabulary section in each test.

Portfolio- A portfolio is a collection of student work. Students save all their work from that chapter, then before the test, the work is put in order and used as a study aid for the test. Portfolios are equal in points and weight to tests. They can help balance a student’s score if they do not do well on a test, but do well on homework. 

Semester Finals- At the end of each semester is a comprehensive final. First semester’s final will be given on December 15th. Study sessions will take place the days before and a study guide will be given. Second semester’s will be given near the end of school. I have it tentatively scheduled for May 20th or 21st

My Classroom Rule:   Don’t cause a problem for anyone else. Since this is an advanced class, if a student is continually causing trouble, one consequence is to be removed from Pre-Algebra.

Other Consequences:  Deductions, seating chart change, discipline paragraphs and parent contact.


To sign this syllabus, simply send me an email as described in the beginning or send me a note telling me a little about your child. Bonus points will be given if sent by September 6th. Have a great year. Please email or call me if you have any concerns!