Mathematics Syllabus

Teacher: Sheila Hansen Tutoring Time: Every day 7:45am Email: [email protected] 

The best way to contact me is through email. As soon as you get a chance, please send me an email with your child’s name in the subject line and tell me a little about your child. This helps me get to know my students, their parents, and gives me a quick way to send you email.


Unit 0- Review Essential Skills

Unit 1 - Integers

Unit 2 - Fractions

Unit 3 - Ratios and Proportions

Unit 4 - Expressions and Equations

Unit 5 - Geometry and Measurement

Unit 6 - Data, Statistics and Probability

Notes: I use video notes. A video is played during class while students take notes as I roam the classroom giving assistance as needed. This also allows students to work ahead of the class if they so choose, or make up work they miss, by watching the videos on their own time and taking notes. 

Homework: Homework is a way of practicing the skills we learn, most assignments can be completed in class. Students grade their work in class and correct all mistakes to prevent those mistakes from happening in the future. Homework is kept in students binder until it’s compiled in a portfolio at the end of the chapter. NEVER CLEAN OUT MATH FOLDER AND THROW AWAY OLD ASSIGNMENTS!!! We clean out folders in class after each chapter test.

*I request that parents please do not help students with their homework. If your child is struggling, encourage him/her to follow the notes they took during the video in class and/or watch the video again for help. If your child is struggling so much as to become frustrated or is spending hours on math, please have them stop working on it, take a break and email me with the problem number and assignment. We can discuss the problem as we grade it the next day. Students are encouraged to ask questions when they don’t understand. 

Test- Tests cannot be corrected or retaken. There is a vocabulary section in each test.

Portfolio- A portfolio is a collection of student work. Students save all their work.

Class rule:  Don’t cause a problem for anyone else. If a student causes a problem they are expected to make that problem right. If they continue to cause a problem, I will deal with the situation on an individual basis. 

To sign this syllabus, simply send me an email as described in the beginning or send me a note telling me a little about your child. Bonus points will be given if sent by September 8th. Have a great year. Please email or call me if you have any concerns!